Grain Free Duck Wet Dog Food

Size 7x 395g 28x 395g 42x 395g
Our duck dog food is a single-source protein recipe made with just duck! Created with the most sensitive of tummies in mind, this recipe is nutritionally complete and includes our natural prebiotic Slippery elm, plus essential minerals and vitamins for your dog to live their best life. Feed it on its own, or mix with our probiotic-packed dry dog food.

Grain Free Duck Dog Food

Our duck dog food is gently cooked in the UK with 70% duck. Yum! This grain free recipe uses only delicious duck, carrots, apple and Slippery Elm for easy digestion and wagging tails. Like all our wet food recipes, this grain free, delicious and complete wet dog food is full of goodness to take care of your dog inside out. We put gut health first adding slippery elm, a natural prebiotic for healthy digestion, and essential nutrients to support your dog’s immune system.

Or check out our other recipes.