Proud to support family farms, Open Farm uses high-quality meat and produce to create a hearty and healthy senior formulated dog food. Open Farm's Senior Recipe is a high protein, grain free formula that uses certified humane chicken, turkey; ocean caught whitefish and farm harvested fruits and vegetables. The use of chicken, turkey, whitefish, New Zealand mussels, coconut oil and salmon oil gives this food the omega 3 and omega six fatty acids that help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation in joints and shine to their skin and coat. The recipe also contains a healthy dose of prebiotic fibres, from chicory root, apples and flaxseeds. A plant fibre that aids in digestion and improves the immune system. Open Farm dog food uses a medium size kibble and a higher content of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and the other necessary vitamins and minerals to support seniors dogs of all shapes and size.
Non-GMO fruits and vegetables used. No artificial flavours, preservatives, by-products, and no rendered meats; Open Farms dog food is certified humane, each chicken and turkey are raised without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics, never cooped up in a cage or crate and vegetarian fed in a stress-free environment. The fish are ocean caught in season fish certified by Vancouver Aquarium Ocean Wise and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch.
Available in 4 and 22 pound bags.
- Grain-free turkey and chicken flavour
- High protein recipe - explicitly formulated for senior dog breeds
- Contains omega 3, omega six fatty acids, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate
- Excellent source of prebiotic fibres - healthy digestion
- Non-GMO fruits and veggies, certified humane meats
- No artificial flavours, preservatives, no poultry byproducts and rendered meats.
- Made in the USA